I caught the tail end of a documentary about Sasquatch, or more commonly known as Bigfoot and how so many people have seen it, but to this day remains elusive and unfounded. I do not know if you believe or even have an opinion about the big guy but, what comes to mind when you hear anything about the myth of Bigfoot? Do you envision a hairy creature, 10 ft tall, and bigger than any creature that walks on two legs, or perhaps a vision of mystique and something wild? What if we could be like Bigfoot, in that we could hide out in the wild, in a place so hard to track down that we would be alone for a bit? Sound intriguing? I know that sometimes we want to get so disconnected from life, and we don’t want anyone to talk to us or locate us. A wish so powerful that we just want to be left alone to do whatever we want to do, need to do, to put together some strategy to sort life out. That place truly is a desire for many men, and I believe most men desire to have the ability to become hid
A man's journey to find his heart is adventurous and dangerous at the same time. We will travel this journey together. The Tin Man Saga, named to follow along the Wizard of Oz's tin man's search for a heart he felt he desperately needed. No, not a real beating heart, but a heart that doesn't beat to a singular drummer, but one that motivates us to become more aware, understanding, and yes one that is not afraid to admit that it is hard to do life alone. FOLLOW US AND LETS DO LIFE TOGETHER