" Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me." How many men have heard this phrase and how many more have spoken them? We use it as a metaphor to defend ourselves against verbal assaults or words that we don't take on as descriptive of us. Have we stopped to consider how this little harmless saying plays out in our lives? In all honesty, most every guy I have had the pleasure of working with, sooner or later share how certain words or phrases impacted their development. There were those that had a happy home life growing up and never really heard harsh words directed at them. Then there are those that as far back as they can remember were battered with disturbing and hurtful words. Words that left them with scars so deep that only God can heal them. With this in mind, I direct us back to the "sticks and stones" phrase and ask you again if you really and truly believe words don't impact an individual? Are you aware that we were d
A man's journey to find his heart is adventurous and dangerous at the same time. We will travel this journey together. The Tin Man Saga, named to follow along the Wizard of Oz's tin man's search for a heart he felt he desperately needed. No, not a real beating heart, but a heart that doesn't beat to a singular drummer, but one that motivates us to become more aware, understanding, and yes one that is not afraid to admit that it is hard to do life alone. FOLLOW US AND LETS DO LIFE TOGETHER